“My Mother's friends had seen the trucks going and coming and one came by to see what was going on and I shared how the Lord blessed me to keep dialing and that is how I got connected to you, Bay Environmental. Then when I shared how the State of Virginia take care most of the expense for the residence, she couldn not believe it. She said, "It's a miracle." Another called and asked about what was going on and I shared the testimony and she said, "It's a miracle." The miracle is that God allowed me to connect to this wonderful company, Bay Environmental, Inc. I don't know how much pay Mr. Gonzalez is recieving but I want you to know he is worth every dime and much, much more! May the Lord bless you, Mr. Gantz, your staff, and this entire company for being such a blessing to those who are in need. ” Carolyn L. homeowner
“Thank you for such great work. We depend on professionals like you to help get it done, get to closing, and serve our clients. You basically saved the deal from falling apart. You will be highly recommended.” Cindy C. – local realtor
“Your crew was very professional. They took the time to answer questions and were great to work with.” John C. – homeowner
““Thank you for all that you have done to help me with this tank issue. I did not know where to turn and was completely in the dark about oil tanks. Your assistance is very appreciated.” Mary P. – homeowner
“I just want to thank you for what I perceive to be a first class professional job. Your commitment and attention to detail were impressive to say the least.” Bob M. – homeowner